Eric CHAUMILLON (LIENSs) - Sedimentation
Pierre POLSENAERE (IFREMER) - Nutrient flows and food chains
Jérôme JOURDE (invité au LIENSs) - Mudflat biodiversity
Eric FEUNTEUN (Station Marine de Dinard) - Fish fauna
Gwenaël QUAINTENNE (LPO) - Migratory and wintering birds
Pierre HUSTACHE (DPMA) - Status quo of abandoned oyster beds / history and legal position
Marion PETIT (CRC PDL) - The coast, a shellfish farming area
Jean-Pierre GUERET & Louise FROUD (LPO) - Mudflat restoration experiment on the Aiguillon Bay as part of the LIFE baie de l'Aiguillon
Christelle LAMARQUE & Aurélie LECANU (SIBA) - Mudflat restoration project in the Bassin d'Arcachon
Jeroen WIJSMAN (Wageningen Marine Research) - Pacific oyster removal experiment in the Oosterschelde (The Netherlands)
Christophe AULERT (OFB) - Mudflat restoration project as part of the expansion of the Port of Le Havre
Lucas MANDER (Université de Hull) - Mudflat restoration project by managed realignment in the Humber Estuary (UK)
Stephanie WESTBY (NOAA) - Oyster restoration project in the Chesapeake Bay (United-States)